The Animal Hall Of Fame Volume 1 - The Biggest, Smallest, Fastest, Slowest, Meanest, Deadliest, Tallest and MORE

What is the BIGGEST animal? The SMALLEST? The FASTEST, the SLOWEST? The MOST POISONOUS? The animal that SLEEPS the MOST?
What animal has the MOST POWERFUL bite?
The answers to these questions and a lot MORE can be found in this book that explores the world of Feats and Records in the Animal Kingdom.
“This is a fun book for children. They love knowing “the biggest, the fastest” etc.”
Filled with full color illustrations, bursting with interesting and amazing facts and easy to understand text.
This book is perfect for young readers from ages 5 to 8. Sure to fascinate readers of all ages.
This the 1st book in a 2 Volume series. To learn what animals are the Biggest, the Fastest, the Slowest, and the Deadliest, please buy your copy of The Animal Hall of Fame Volume 1 today!
Book Contents:
1. The Biggest and the Heaviest
2. The Smallest and the Lightest
3. The Fastest
4. The Fastest Bird
5. The Fastest Fish
6. The Slowest
7. The Meanest
8. The World’s Deadliest
9. The Loudest
10. The Tallest
11. The Sleepiest
12. The Longest Hibernator
13. The Worst Eyesight
14. The Best Eyesight
15. Hear the Furthest Distance
16. Hear the Quietest Sounds
17. The Best Sense of Smell on Earth
18. The Oldest Living Creatures
19. The Largest Population on Earth
20. The Biggest Jumper
21. The Most Powerful Bite
22. The Most Poisonous Bite/Sting